Tuesday, May 15, 2012

John Locke's influence can be seen throughout the creation of the United States 

     A good government guarantees and maximizes your rights. A bad government does not guarantee your rights. An evil government is one who intentionally assaults your rights. Locke's social contract says that all citizens consent to be ruled by a government elected by the majority for just as long as that government protects the natural rights. But a tyrannical government is illegitimate and ought to be revolted against. Britain was an evil government, so according to Locke, they should be revolted against. Locke's statement about revolting against an evil government is what guided John Adams and other congress men to persuaded the rest of the congressmen with rhetoric techniques to go into war and risk their lives for freedom from Britain.

Video explaining the creation of the United States: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEVPSfJIQ84&feature=player_detailpage

All about the American Revolution: http://www.theamericanrevolution.org/ 

 Language can be used to manipulate people's beliefs and actions (rhetoric)

   Patrick Henry used intentional rhetoric in his Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death Speech. Countless times he used rhetorical questions, illusions, metaphors, similes, diction, repetition, and of course his sound byte: give me liberty or give me death. He used analogies to slavery to show how bad Britain is treating them. Just by using intentional rhetoric in a speech, it can change people's thoughts enough to want to risk their lives because of how you said your ideas. Rhetoric can be used to transform a country, or to convince fish to leave the tank.

Give me Liberty or Give me Death Speech: http://www.barefootsworld.net/libertyordeath.html  
                                                                                                                                  Partick Henry ^

 Geography's impact on culture, industries, agriculture, and the infrastructure can divide a nation

    Different geography offers different opportunities. In the North, the weather is typically colder than the South, and the soil can be very dense. This climate and geography is not ideal for agriculture. It is however perfect for an industrial boom to take place, making the North centered around it's industries. Meanwhile, the warm climate and rich and soft soil are the ideal geography for agriculture, so perfect that they do not have enough field hands to make use of. This leads to slavery. Both the North and South agree that slavery is wrong, but the South continues to use slaves and claim that it is a "necessary evil", and try to blame North for giving industry workers worse conditions than their slaves, calling them "wage slaves". This feud between the North and South was all due to the difference in geography between them.

Slave Narratives: http://www.moadsf.org/salon/exhibits/slave_narratives/flash.php

Our rights and freedoms today are based on the ideals expressed in the Constitution and its Amendments

   Today, we free to decide what religion we want to follow no matter what. This right started because of the 1st Amendment, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,...". This amendment was made established in 1791, and 213 years later it still gives us the freedom to practice the religion we chose to. A recent case questions what actions are protected and what are not under the Constitution. Joseph Frederick, 18 from Alaska, help up a home made 14 foot long sign reading, "Bong Hits for Jesus" in 2002 at a school trip to the Olympic Torch Relay. Frederick's principal than ripped the sign down and suspended him from school. Even though Joseph's sign promoted illegal drug use, his 1st Amendment right protects his freedom of speech, and therefor his actions were acceptable.

Bong Hits for Jesus Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x5hLOd-vUU

Link to Constitution and it's Amendments: http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

SOS! Save Our Sharks

Until recently, humans used to view the ocean as a vast body of water with infinite amount of resources. Its vast depth and size made is seem as if it were invulnerable and excepted from over exploration. We are now realizing how wrong we are. According to marinebio.org, the populations of many species are decreasing at an unsustainable rate, and the number of species listed as endangered from marine life families such as whales, dolphins, manatees, salmon, seabirds, sea turtles, and sharks to name a few, are on the rise. Currently there are at least 5,000 species listed as endangered, but more are added every day (HumanSpot). Extinction is a natural process, but the current rate is about 1,000 times faster than is healthy (WildEarth). The main reasons more and more animals are going extinct is because of their top predator, humans. Habit destruction, over fishing, pollution, hunting, global warming, and exposure to chemicals are just some of the ways we are harming species everywhere. One species man has always feared, now fears man, because it is at the top of the endangered list: the shark.

According to The Shark Foundation, more than 1 out of 4 species or shark are currently endangered. This isn't because of natural selection; this is simply because of selfish human acts. Some sharks, like the great white, are capable of traveling 16,000 miles in 1 year. Even though they are considered the top of the food chain underwater, they are not safe. During their travel, an average of 38 million will be killed each year (Discover). Some of those deaths could be natural, but almost all of them are due to pollution, habitat destruction, global warming, exposure to chemicals, over fishing, and being killed for their fins. Take the Great White Shark for example, one of the most feared creatures on the planet, but because of careless humans, their population has decreased to 3,500 (DailyMail). The Whale Shark is one of the largest sharks, but also one of the most docile and friendly creatures. Unfortunately for the Whale Sharks, they can’t reproduce until age 30, but in those 30 years many will be killed by being hit by boats or getting caught in fishing nets. Because of this, the Whale Shark population is decreasing at an unsustainable rate. Sharks are purposefully killed by humans for numerous reasons, whether accidentally or intentionally. Fishermen hunt all shark species for their skin, fins, meat, and oils. Their skin is unlike many others because it is so smooth and thick, which is very popular for leather products. The oil in their liver is significantly less dense than water, which is a shark’s main source for buoyancy. This oil is valuable for its mineral content, and its uses. However, these uses can be replaced with vegetable oil and work just the same. The most valuable part of a shark, however, is its fins. When caught, their fins are cut of and used for shark fin soup in China, or for trading purposes. One of the biggest problems for sharks is when they are accidentally caught in nets.

There have been many incidents when fishermen cast their nets hoping for it to be full of a specific fish when they pull it up, but instead, it’s full of all the poor marine life that happen to be swimming in that area and got caught by accident. Fishing nets work well, because when they fish swim in, they get entangled in the nets, struggle until exhaustion, and then their bodies eventually collapse into their organs, causing death. It is a very effective strategy for catching fish, but the same thing happens when dolphins, sharks, whales, and other unintended sea life swim into the nets. One of the worst cases was of the coast of Japan in the late 1980’s. 32 fishing boats embarked on an excursion to capture 3 million squid in Japan. However, they accidentally killed over 58, 000 Blue Sharks, 52 Fur Seals, 914 dolphins, 141 porpoises, 25 Puffins and 22 marine turtles (Sharks). According to the World Wildlife Foundation, over the past 18 years, 89% of Hammerhead sharks and 80% of Great White sharks have disappeared from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean (SmartGear).

“We may rightfully ask whether they will be allowed to survive long enough for us to understand the role they play in the marine environment” (pacfish.org). Sharks are going extinct at an unsustainable rate. The depletion of sharks will cause in unbalance in the food chain, and the marine ecosystem, which could affect all the other ecosystems. 3 sharks die every second. That means that by the time you have read this post, over 600 sharks died because of finning, loss of habitat, exposure to chemicals, pollution, global warming, and fishing nets. It’s time to make a difference.
This Graph shows the decrease in population of 4 different species of sharks in just 14 years.

If you want to make a learn more and change, visit these websites to donate.

• http://www.wildearthguardians.org/site/PageServer?pagename=priorities_wildlife_ESA_listing&AddInterest=1262www.wildearthguardians.org&gclid=CNzO-YKC1q0CFeYSNAodKATm5g

• http://wwf.panda.org/how_you_can_help/support_wwf/donate/








